EOG8WQ3HB GO:0005856 25/107 cytoskeleton cellular_component "Any of the various filamentous elements that form the internal framework of cells, and typically remain after treatment of the cells with mild detergent to remove membrane constituents and soluble components of the cytoplasm. The term embraces intermediate filaments, microfilaments, microtubules, the microtrabecular lattice, and other structures characterized by a polymeric filamentous nature and long-range order within the cell. The various elements of the cytoskeleton not only serve in the maintenance of cellular shape but also have roles in other cellular functions, including cellular movement, cell division, endocytosis, and movement of organelles." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0198547684, PMID:16959967] EOG8WQ3HB GO:0007476 1/107 imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis biological_process "The process in which the anatomical structures of the imaginal disc-derived wing are generated and organized. The wing is an appendage modified for flying." [GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_sensu] EOG8WQ3HB GO:0005523 1/107 tropomyosin binding molecular_function "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with tropomyosin, a protein associated with actin filaments both in cytoplasm and, in association with troponin, in the thin filament of striated muscle." [GOC:curators, ISBN:0815316194] EOG8WQ3HB GO:0045169 1/107 fusome cellular_component "A large intracellular spectrin-rich structure that has been found in insect germline cells and mammalian hematopoietic cells. The fusome is an elongated, branched structure, formed from the spherical spectrosome organelle." [GOC:bf, PMID:12655376] EOG8WQ3HB GO:0003779 1/107 actin binding molecular_function "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with monomeric or multimeric forms of actin, including actin filaments." [GOC:clt]