EOG8CG2P1 GO:0003682 27/106 chromatin binding molecular_function "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with chromatin, the network of fibers of DNA, protein, and sometimes RNA, that make up the chromosomes of the eukaryotic nucleus during interphase." [GOC:jl, ISBN:0198506732, PMID:20404130] EOG8CG2P1 GO:0005700 1/106 polytene chromosome cellular_component "A type of chromosome in a polyploid cell, formed when multiple copies of homologous chromosomes are aligned side by side to give a giant chromosome in which distinct chromosome bands are readily visible." [ISBN:0198506732] EOG8CG2P1 GO:0007305 1/106 vitelline membrane formation involved in chorion-containing eggshell formation biological_process "Construction of the vitelline membrane portion of a chorion-containing eggshell. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster." [GOC:mah, GOC:mtg_sensu] EOG8CG2P1 GO:0016740 1/106 transferase activity molecular_function "Catalysis of the transfer of a group, e.g. a methyl group, glycosyl group, acyl group, phosphorus-containing, or other groups, from one compound (generally regarded as the donor) to another compound (generally regarded as the acceptor). Transferase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 2." [ISBN:0198506732] EOG8CG2P1 GO:0007306 1/106 eggshell chorion assembly biological_process "Construction of the chorion portion of the eggshell, which comprises the channels for gas exchange in an insect eggshell." [GOC:dph, GOC:mtg_sensu, GOC:tb, ISBN:0879694238] EOG8CG2P1 GO:0031936 1/106 negative regulation of chromatin silencing biological_process "Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of chromatin silencing." [GOC:mah] EOG8CG2P1 GO:0007480 1/106 imaginal disc-derived leg morphogenesis biological_process "The process in which the anatomical structures of a leg derived from an imaginal disc are generated and organized. A leg is a limb on which an animal walks and stands. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster." [GOC:mtg_sensu, ISBN:0879694238] EOG8CG2P1 GO:0032440 1/106 2-alkenal reductase [NAD(P)] activity molecular_function "Catalysis of the reaction: n-alkanal + NAD(P)+ = alk-2-enal + NAD(P)H + H+." [EC:, PMID:16299173]