EOG8GTNW6 GO:0006810 42/118 transport biological_process "The directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, or within a multicellular organism by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore." [GOC:dph, GOC:jl, GOC:mah] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0005622 42/118 intracellular cellular_component "The living contents of a cell; the matter contained within (but not including) the plasma membrane, usually taken to exclude large vacuoles and masses of secretory or ingested material. In eukaryotes it includes the nucleus and cytoplasm." [ISBN:0198506732] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0050829 1/118 defense response to Gram-negative bacterium biological_process "Reactions triggered in response to the presence of a Gram-negative bacterium that act to protect the cell or organism." [GOC:ai] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0003676 1/118 nucleic acid binding molecular_function "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any nucleic acid." [GOC:jl] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0045824 1/118 negative regulation of innate immune response biological_process "Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the innate immune response." [GOC:go_curators] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0003723 1/118 RNA binding molecular_function "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with an RNA molecule or a portion thereof." [GOC:mah] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0005635 1/118 nuclear envelope cellular_component "The double lipid bilayer enclosing the nucleus and separating its contents from the rest of the cytoplasm; includes the intermembrane space, a gap of width 20-40 nm (also called the perinuclear space)." [ISBN:0198547684] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0005654 1/118 nucleoplasm cellular_component "That part of the nuclear content other than the chromosomes or the nucleolus." [GOC:ma, ISBN:0124325653] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0015031 1/118 protein transport biological_process "The directed movement of proteins into, out of or within a cell, or between cells, by means of some agent such as a transporter or pore." [GOC:ai] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0005737 1/118 cytoplasm cellular_component "All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures." [ISBN:0198547684] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0016973 1/118 poly(A)+ mRNA export from nucleus biological_process "The directed movement of poly(A)+ mRNA out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm." [GOC:ai] EOG8GTNW6 GO:0003964 1/118 RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity molecular_function "Catalysis of the reaction: deoxynucleoside triphosphate + DNA(n) = diphosphate + DNA(n+1). Catalyzes RNA-template-directed extension of the 3'- end of a DNA strand by one deoxynucleotide at a time." [EC:]