EOG8M3CRP GO:0008270 2/13 zinc ion binding molecular_function "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with zinc (Zn) ions." [GOC:ai] EOG8M3CRP GO:0008234 1/13 cysteine-type peptidase activity molecular_function "Catalysis of the hydrolysis of peptide bonds in a polypeptide chain by a mechanism in which the sulfhydryl group of a cysteine residue at the active center acts as a nucleophile." [GOC:mah, http://merops.sanger.ac.uk/about/glossary.htm#CATTYPE] EOG8M3CRP GO:0016491 1/13 oxidoreductase activity molecular_function "Catalysis of an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction, a reversible chemical reaction in which the oxidation state of an atom or atoms within a molecule is altered. One substrate acts as a hydrogen or electron donor and becomes oxidized, while the other acts as hydrogen or electron acceptor and becomes reduced." [GOC:go_curators]