EOG8W6R8X GO:0016021 24/96 integral component of membrane cellular_component "The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane." [GOC:dos, GOC:go_curators] EOG8W6R8X GO:0008158 22/96 hedgehog receptor activity molecular_function "Combining with a member of the hedgehog protein family and transmitting the signal across the membrane to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:bf, GOC:go_curators, PMID:9278137] EOG8W6R8X GO:0005515 1/96 protein binding molecular_function "Interacting selectively and non-covalently with any protein or protein complex (a complex of two or more proteins that may include other nonprotein molecules)." [GOC:go_curators] EOG8W6R8X GO:0048099 1/96 anterior/posterior lineage restriction, imaginal disc biological_process "Formation and/or maintenance of a lineage boundary between anterior and posterior compartments that cells cannot cross, thus separating the populations of cells in each compartment." [GOC:jid, PMID:10625531, PMID:9374402] EOG8W6R8X GO:0016311 1/96 dephosphorylation biological_process "The process of removing one or more phosphoric (ester or anhydride) residues from a molecule." [ISBN:0198506732] EOG8W6R8X GO:0030228 1/96 lipoprotein particle receptor activity molecular_function "Combining with a lipoprotein particle and delivering the lipoprotein particle into the cell via endocytosis. A lipoprotein particle, also known as a lipoprotein, is a clathrate complex consisting of a lipid enwrapped in a protein host without covalent binding in such a way that the complex has a hydrophilic outer surface consisting of all the protein and the polar ends of any phospholipids." [CHEBI:6495, GOC:bf, GOC:mah, PMID:12827279] EOG8W6R8X GO:0042306 1/96 regulation of protein import into nucleus biological_process "Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of movement of proteins from the cytoplasm to the nucleus." [GOC:jl] EOG8W6R8X GO:0042981 1/96 regulation of apoptotic process biological_process "Any process that modulates the occurrence or rate of cell death by apoptotic process." [GOC:jl, GOC:mtg_apoptosis] EOG8W6R8X GO:0005886 1/96 plasma membrane cellular_component "The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins." [ISBN:0716731363] EOG8W6R8X GO:0048100 1/96 wing disc anterior/posterior pattern formation biological_process "The establishment, maintenance and elaboration of the anterior/posterior axis of the wing disc, a precursor to the wing." [GOC:jid, PMID:10625531] EOG8W6R8X GO:0007422 1/96 peripheral nervous system development biological_process "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the peripheral nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The peripheral nervous system is one of the two major divisions of the nervous system. Nerves in the PNS connect the central nervous system (CNS) with sensory organs, other organs, muscles, blood vessels and glands." [GOC:go_curators, UBERON:0000010] EOG8W6R8X GO:0005887 1/96 integral component of plasma membrane cellular_component "The component of the plasma membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane." [GOC:dos, GOC:go_curators] EOG8W6R8X GO:0001746 1/96 Bolwig's organ morphogenesis biological_process "The morphogenetic process in which the anatomical structures of the larval eye in Drosophila are generated and organized. The larval eye in Drosophila is a relatively simple sensory system composed of Bolwig's organs: two clusters, each composed of 12 photoreceptor cells from which axons extend in a single fascicle to the brain." [http://sdb.bio.purdue.edu/fly/torstoll/tailess.htm#bolwigs, PMID:6185380] EOG8W6R8X GO:0007346 1/96 regulation of mitotic cell cycle biological_process "Any process that modulates the rate or extent of progress through the mitotic cell cycle." [GOC:dph, GOC:go_curators, GOC:tb] EOG8W6R8X GO:0007224 1/96 smoothened signaling pathway biological_process "A series of molecular signals generated as a consequence of activation of the transmembrane protein Smoothened." [GOC:mah, PMID:15205520] EOG8W6R8X GO:0007476 1/96 imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis biological_process "The process in which the anatomical structures of the imaginal disc-derived wing are generated and organized. The wing is an appendage modified for flying." [GOC:bf, GOC:mtg_sensu] EOG8W6R8X GO:0048103 1/96 somatic stem cell division biological_process "The self-renewing division of a somatic stem cell, a stem cell that can give rise to cell types of the body other than those of the germ-line." [GOC:jid, ISBN:0582227089] EOG8W6R8X GO:0030707 1/96 ovarian follicle cell development biological_process "The process that occurs during oogenesis involving the ovarian follicle cells, somatic cells which surround the germ cells of an ovary. An example of this is found in Drosophila melanogaster." [GOC:mtg_sensu, PMID:10822261] EOG8W6R8X GO:0045879 1/96 negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway biological_process "Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of smoothened signaling." [GOC:go_curators] EOG8W6R8X GO:0055088 1/96 lipid homeostasis biological_process "Any process involved in the maintenance of an internal steady state of lipid within an organism or cell." [GOC:BHF, GOC:rl] EOG8W6R8X GO:0004888 1/96 transmembrane signaling receptor activity molecular_function "Combining with an extracellular or intracellular signal and transmitting the signal from one side of the membrane to the other to initiate a change in cell activity." [GOC:go_curators, Wikipedia:Transmembrane_receptor] EOG8W6R8X GO:0035225 1/96 determination of genital disc primordium biological_process "Allocation of embryonic cells to the genital imaginal disc founder populations. Early in development at the blastoderm stage, the anlage of the genital disc of both sexes consists of three primordia: the female genital primoridum lcoated anteriorly, the anal primoridum located posteriorly, and the male gential primordium between the two." [GOC:bf, PMID:11494318] EOG8W6R8X GO:0006508 1/96 proteolysis biological_process "The hydrolysis of proteins into smaller polypeptides and/or amino acids by cleavage of their peptide bonds." [GOC:bf, GOC:mah] EOG8W6R8X GO:0048477 1/96 oogenesis biological_process "The complete process of formation and maturation of an ovum or female gamete from a primordial female germ cell. Examples of this process are found in Mus musculus and Drosophila melanogaster." [GOC:kmv, GOC:mtg_sensu, GOC:pr] EOG8W6R8X GO:0007411 1/96 axon guidance biological_process "The chemotaxis process that directs the migration of an axon growth cone to a specific target site in response to a combination of attractive and repulsive cues." [ISBN:0878932437] EOG8W6R8X GO:0009880 1/96 embryonic pattern specification biological_process "The process that results in the patterns of cell differentiation that will arise in an embryo." [GOC:go_curators, ISBN:0521436125] EOG8W6R8X GO:0005737 1/96 cytoplasm cellular_component "All of the contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures." [ISBN:0198547684] EOG8W6R8X GO:0008406 1/96 gonad development biological_process "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the gonad over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The gonad is an animal organ that produces gametes; in some species it also produces hormones." [GOC:ems, ISBN:0198506732] EOG8W6R8X GO:0048471 1/96 perinuclear region of cytoplasm cellular_component "Cytoplasm situated near, or occurring around, the nucleus." [GOC:jid] EOG8W6R8X GO:0007367 1/96 segment polarity determination biological_process "Division of the 14 parasegments of the embryo into anterior and posterior compartments; exemplified by the actions of the segment polarity gene products." [http://fly.ebi.ac.uk/allied-data/lk/interactive-fly/aimain/1aahome.htm, ISBN:0632030488, ISBN:0879694238] EOG8W6R8X GO:0007455 1/96 eye-antennal disc morphogenesis biological_process "The process in which the anatomical structures derived from the eye-antennal disc are generated and organized. This includes the transformation of an eye-antennal imaginal disc from a monolayered epithelium in the larvae of holometabolous insects into recognizable adult structures including the eye, antenna, head capsule and maxillary palps." [GOC:bf, ISBN:0879694238] EOG8W6R8X GO:0030139 1/96 endocytic vesicle cellular_component "A membrane-bounded intracellular vesicle formed by invagination of the plasma membrane around an extracellular substance. Endocytic vesicles fuse with early endosomes to deliver the cargo for further sorting." [GOC:go_curators, PMID:19696797] EOG8W6R8X GO:0006898 1/96 receptor-mediated endocytosis biological_process "An endocytosis process in which cell surface receptors ensure specificity of transport. A specific receptor on the cell surface binds tightly to the extracellular macromolecule (the ligand) that it recognizes; the plasma-membrane region containing the receptor-ligand complex then undergoes endocytosis, forming a transport vesicle containing the receptor-ligand complex and excluding most other plasma-membrane proteins. Receptor-mediated endocytosis generally occurs via clathrin-coated pits and vesicles." [GOC:mah, ISBN:0716731363] EOG8W6R8X GO:0009952 1/96 anterior/posterior pattern specification biological_process "The regionalization process in which specific areas of cell differentiation are determined along the anterior-posterior axis. The anterior-posterior axis is defined by a line that runs from the head or mouth of an organism to the tail or opposite end of the organism." [GOC:dph, GOC:go_curators, GOC:isa_complete, GOC:tb] EOG8W6R8X GO:0042078 1/96 germ-line stem cell division biological_process "The self-renewing division of a germline stem cell to produce a daughter stem cell and a daughter germ cell, which will divide to form the gametes." [GOC:jid, PMID:2279698]