EOG8WDGSV GO:0016021 3/72 integral component of membrane cellular_component "The component of a membrane consisting of the gene products and protein complexes having at least some part of their peptide sequence embedded in the hydrophobic region of the membrane." [GOC:dos, GOC:go_curators] EOG8WDGSV GO:0008056 1/72 ocellus development biological_process "The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ocellus over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The ocellus is a simple visual organ of insects." [http://fly.ebi.ac.uk/.bin/cvreport2?id=FBcv0004540] EOG8WDGSV GO:0004721 1/72 phosphoprotein phosphatase activity molecular_function "Catalysis of the reaction: a phosphoprotein + H2O = a protein + phosphate. Together with protein kinases, these enzymes control the state of phosphorylation of cell proteins and thereby provide an important mechanism for regulating cellular activity." [EC:, ISBN:0198547684]