EOG82C0Q8 summary
Genes (observed) | 275 |
Nodes expanding | 18 (0 rapid) |
Novel expansions | 0 |
Nodes contracting | 15 (0 rapid) |
Extinctions | 0 |
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(The tables may take a second to load)Node ID | Gene Count | Change | Rapid? | Exctinction (--) or Novel (++)? |
GO ID | GO term | # genes w/ GO ID |
GO:0005921 | gap junction | 88 |
GO:0006811 | ion transport | 88 |
GO:0016021 | integral component of membrane | 88 |
GO:0005243 | gap junction channel activity | 5 |
GO:0055085 | transmembrane transport | 5 |
GO:0005886 | plasma membrane | 4 |
GO:0016264 | gap junction assembly | 3 |
GO:0009881 | photoreceptor activity | 3 |
GO:0009416 | response to light stimulus | 3 |
GO:0007602 | phototransduction | 2 |
GO:0016323 | basolateral plasma membrane | 2 |
GO:0007165 | signal transduction | 2 |
GO:0010644 | cell communication by electrical coupling | 1 |
GO:0016324 | apical plasma membrane | 1 |
GO:0007440 | foregut morphogenesis | 1 |
GO:0010496 | intercellular transport | 1 |
GO:0007630 | jump response | 1 |
GO:0005737 | cytoplasm | 1 |
GO:0030727 | germarium-derived female germ-line cyst formation | 1 |
GO:0007154 | cell communication | 1 |
GO:0016328 | lateral plasma membrane | 1 |
GO:0007293 | germarium-derived egg chamber formation | 1 |
GO:0016331 | morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium | 1 |
GO:0042048 | olfactory behavior | 1 |
GO:0003254 | regulation of membrane depolarization | 1 |
GO:0007632 | visual behavior | 1 |
GO:0016327 | apicolateral plasma membrane | 1 |