EOG84N197 summary
Genes (observed) | 8 |
Nodes expanding | 4 (0 rapid) |
Novel expansions | 0 |
Nodes contracting | 0 (0 rapid) |
Extinctions | 0 |
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(The tables may take a second to load)Node ID | Gene Count | Change | Rapid? | Exctinction (--) or Novel (++)? |
GO ID | GO term | # genes w/ GO ID |
GO:0008270 | zinc ion binding | 21 |
GO:0005515 | protein binding | 1 |
GO:0048813 | dendrite morphogenesis | 1 |
GO:0006351 | transcription, DNA-templated | 1 |
GO:0005634 | nucleus | 1 |
GO:0009880 | embryonic pattern specification | 1 |
GO:0016055 | Wnt signaling pathway | 1 |
GO:0007367 | segment polarity determination | 1 |
GO:0035214 | eye-antennal disc development | 1 |
GO:0060232 | delamination | 1 |
GO:0030177 | positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway | 1 |
GO:0022008 | neurogenesis | 1 |
GO:0045944 | positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter | 1 |
GO:0048526 | imaginal disc-derived wing expansion | 1 |
GO:0007472 | wing disc morphogenesis | 1 |