EOG8DJN9D summary
Genes (observed) | 100 |
Nodes expanding | 15 (0 rapid) |
Novel expansions | 0 |
Nodes contracting | 5 (0 rapid) |
Extinctions | 2 |
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(The tables may take a second to load)Node ID | Gene Count | Change | Rapid? | Exctinction (--) or Novel (++)? |
GO ID | GO term | # genes w/ GO ID |
GO:0004176 | ATP-dependent peptidase activity | 33 |
GO:0005524 | ATP binding | 33 |
GO:0004252 | serine-type endopeptidase activity | 33 |
GO:0006515 | misfolded or incompletely synthesized protein catabolic process | 27 |
GO:0090296 | regulation of mitochondrial DNA replication | 24 |
GO:0070407 | oxidation-dependent protein catabolic process | 24 |
GO:0005759 | mitochondrial matrix | 24 |
GO:0051131 | chaperone-mediated protein complex assembly | 24 |
GO:0043565 | sequence-specific DNA binding | 24 |
GO:0034599 | cellular response to oxidative stress | 24 |
GO:0030163 | protein catabolic process | 6 |
GO:0005739 | mitochondrion | 1 |
GO:0007005 | mitochondrion organization | 1 |